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Things were busy, busy in

Things were busy, busy in Braintree today, kind of like on 'This Old House' when all the various tradesmen show up. Besides Gary, his partner and the plumber were there. The plasterer and the concrete guy who will be pouring the basement slab both came by to coordinate their work, and the excavator who started the 'Big Dig', dropped by just to say hello. The deck is all framed and by this time tonight, the decking and stairs are probably on as well. The shower moved from outside on the driveway to its place inside. And the new light for the deck fit perfectly in place.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 1, 2001 10:39 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The final evening of my.

The next post in this blog is I think of this past.

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