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Lest my yesterday's remarks

Lest my yesterday's remarks be interpreted as unpatriotic or uninterested in our country's history, examine this photo showing Navy crew replacing a sail on the USS Constitution in the Charlestown Navy Yard. I walk or drive by the Constitution every day but rarely see anyone up in the rigging. When I did I was without camera, so I rushed home and back, lucky to catch them still working. All the tourists around me continued to take photos of each other in front of Old Ironsides, missing the unique view above. If you look closely at the upper left corner of the photo, you'll notice the historically incorrect crane helping out the sailors. Imagine replacing a sail during battle back in 1812. My daily walk around the Navy Yard never fails to make me think a bit about history.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 15, 2001 12:11 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Not to worry - you.

The next post in this blog is Last night we headed back.

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