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Last night we headed back

Last night we headed back down to Braintree to check progress on the addition. New skylight and windows are in, roof shingles are about done and tree trimming is complete. The first shot of the house shows how much more light there will be with the lower branches of the maple and all but the very topmost branches of the walnut gone. The walnut itself is staying though, on the advice of the treeman, who says there are all too few walnuts left. Besides showing the new construction, the second shot shows the canopy of the maple, still shading the house but from much higher up. The new Anderson sliding door will provide quite elegant access to the yet-to-be-built back deck. The final photo in the Frazier Forest, shows the inspectors/gardeners chairs, standing vacant now that Nancy and Dale are returning to upstate New York, hopefully to get a little rest after their 'vacation'.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 17, 2001 10:49 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Another trip to Braintree on.

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