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I finally made it up

I finally made it up to Vermont on pizza night to see what all the excitement was about. The best 'Pizza on Earth' happens every Tuesday and Thursday in the pizza hut at Jay and Marcia's Bingham Brook Farm, where they also have a farm stand for their CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) customers. When you drive in it's crowded and finding a parking place took all my Boston skills. The scene inside the separate small pizza hut is busy, busy with Jay keeping track of orders and everything in a high-tech way, perhaps a bit unexpected for Vermont. Most people get their pizzas to go but some apparently just can't wait , and simply walk out and settle down next to the fields to enjoy them. Being family has its perks though, and we got both of the night's special pizzas delivered right to the kitchen table.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 28, 2001 5:55 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Lots of progress since we.

The next post in this blog is Of course my Vermont visit.

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