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For the last full day

For the last full day in Paris we started as usual with cafe at Le Metro on the corner at Place Maubert. Then across the street to pick up a baguette from Kayser and more of the most fabulous rhubarb tarte that we'd been eating piece by daily piece all week. Well fortified we headed out along the Seine to the Jardin des Plantes, walking on the path right down by the water for the first time since the flooding had finally cleared. After climbing up the hill between the hedges to the gazebo, we were disappointed that the view of the green-tiled mosque was hidden, now that the trees were fully out. But one of the fenced-in gardens, behind a usually closed and locked gate, was open for the first time. Back at the apartment again we put our packing and cleaning on hold for a minute to look out, one more time, at the spire of Notre Dame seen through the skylight. Then with everything ready for our morning departure, we walked over to the Samaritaine Department Store, took the elevator to the ninth floor and climbed the last two sets of stairs to the top viewing deck. Just as Tom Reddig did in the epilog of An Architect's Paris, the book that inspired so many of our daily walks, we used the Samaritaine's panoramic view of the city to try and absorb every single one of our favorite places and memories before saying au revoir. And we both completely agreed, there can never be too much Paris.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 12, 2001 10:44 PM.

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The next post in this blog is After a very long break.

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