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Today was a day

Today was a day for a little house cleaning and for doing some errands. The crucial errand was to find a replacement for the plastic cutting board which I unfortunately left on top of the hot plate while one of the burners was on. And not just for a moment or two but for quite some time, so that there was a nice little half-round melted out of the cutting board and onto the hotplate. At first I thought I was going to have to replace the hotplate as well but fortunately the plastic scraped off leaving only a trace of the accident and a bit of a funny smell. Monsieur Delauney will not be fooled however, because the only replacement I could find is bright orange instead of white like the original cutting board. But it does brighten up the kitchen.

Since I was not out and about by any other interesting buildings to photograph, I took a picture of the door to my apartment, always a happy site after a long day of walking.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 9, 2001 2:27 PM.

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The next post in this blog is On a warm day.

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