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Today was a day

Today was a day for strolling and for simply being outside. At last, the Paris weather has turned into the spring that I'd been imagining since the start of my visit.

And it was glorious everywhere. After taking the RER up to Pont D'Alma, I meandered back along the Seine, past the woods-like gardens tucked unexpectedly up next to the Grand Palais, eventually crossing the always busy Place de la Concorde. After admiring the Roue de Paris, the huge ferris wheel set up right there at the start of the Tuileries, I made up my mind to come back when I had someone to ride with me. Sticking to the shady side of the gardens, I stopped numerous times to admire the plantings and sculptures, as you see in the photo, and to shake the pebbles out of my new, and by this time very dusty, sandals. From the Louvre I continued along the quai, stopping only to purchase a small purple flowering plant. From there it was a fairly straight walk back home to see if Meg and Jason had returned from Antwerp.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 11, 2001 1:42 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Aimez-vous les tartes? A.

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