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Walk to Head of the Charles

Last Sunday we had a great walk from Charlestown to the river to watch the Head races, and back home again to Charlestown. Along the way, we had coffee at our favorite Area Four, passed by the always colorful graffiti alley next to Central Kitchen and watched much of the race from the Western Avenue bridge. As the races were finishing up, we walked up the river and headed into Harvard Square where we got a prime football-watching bar spot at the Russell House Tavern and yummy steak tartare for me. After dinner we paused in the Square to check out a band playing behind the subway stop and then meandered back down Mass Ave, through Kendall Square again, and on to home. See some random photos from the walk.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 28, 2012 4:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Orange Work Weekend.

The next post in this blog is Paris Thanksgiving - the First Days.

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