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It's All About the Kids

We've been lucky to see so much of the kids this past month. In August we spent about 10-days with them on Nantucket and last week we spent a long weekend together in NYC. The changes, particularly in Minna, come so fast these days that there's always something new. On Nantucket we saw Minna's fearless love of the ocean and Ollie's first attempts and success at skim boarding. Then in New York, we took them to school and to the playground, and discovered just how fast the two of them can go on their scooters. Next time I visit, I'm getting my own scooter to keep up.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 20, 2012 6:06 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Capricorn.

The next post in this blog is Green and Gold Weekend.

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