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Still Google Cooking

Maybe my ingredients are improving, maybe I'm getting a better sense of what will go together, and maybe the recipes to be found are just much better than they used to be. The past two days I've had particularly successful, Google cooking meals. Both times the recipe was the top result and both times it was from a food blog I had never read before.

My first search, for pork loin red cabbage, brought me a very tasty horse radish crusted pork tenderloin on a bed of red cabbage from the Broadsheet blog. The bonus by good fortune, was that I already had the crucial other ingredients; horseradish just bought for something else and goat cheese which I do pretty much keep on hand. Alas, that blog is no longer active but the archives are still there.

The next night I googled mushrooms farro potatoes, and discovered the Purple Foodie blog, after which we sat down to a lovely bowl of farro, potato and mushroom stew. Enticing pictures on the right side of the home page linked to other, particularly favorite recipes, so soon I'll be baking Hasselback Potatoes, the most scrumptious looking crispy baked potatoes topped with pesto, and saying South Beach be damned.

I do love my cookbooks where I discover new things to try and often return to old favorites, but when you've got that certain combination of stuff in the fridge needing to be used up, there's really nothing so quick and easy as Google cooking.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 23, 2011 2:13 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Saturday - Juhannus, Midsummer Day.

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