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Missed Opportunities or It's Never Too Late

However you look at it, it would have been nice to have posted on March 25, 2011, exactly ten years from a day when I was singing April in Paris, and posting my very first blog entry. And it would have been equally nice last May or June, when Minna was around eight or nine months, to have posted this photo of Meg at the same age, noting how much Minna looked, and still looks, like Meg as a toddler.

Meg at 8 or 9 Months

But you know what? The memories of both events are just as strong, so in spite of missing that perfect timing, tonight I'm celebrating a blog that's lasted more than ten years, and a terrific granddaughter who not only looks, but often acts, much like her terrific mother. I'll open my usual bottle of red wine in anticipation of another return visit to Paris, and I'll think back to sunny days on our back porch in Buffalo, where I never imagined the changes and joys the little girl sitting there would bring.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 4, 2011 5:55 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Easter in Orange.

The next post in this blog is Memorial Day Weekend in Orange.

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