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More Paris by Playground Days

On Thursday we got a late start and joined the kids just after they finished lunch and their visit to the zoo at the Jardin des Plantes. From there we strolled back along the river and up the main street of Ile St. Louis, relaxed while some played in the park behind Notre Dame, watched roller skaters in front of the cathedral, shopped for cheese and headed for home.

Friday we met up at the Eiffel Tower for the start of an epic day of walking that made yesterday's strolling seem like, well, a vacation. It took us from the Tour Eiffel over to a moules frites lunch on the Champs Elysees, through the Tuileries with a stop for a carousel ride, and finally back to our side of the river. Peter dubbed it the FFM, for Family Forced March, but it just made our final late afternoon cafe break all the more enjoyable. Here are our pictures but be sure to check Meg's for Minna and Boppie sharing a moka milkshake - priceless.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 21, 2010 3:44 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Seeing Paris by Playgrounds.

The next post in this blog is Final Family Days.

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