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Vermont Weekend

It was a work weekend for us in Vermont, painting the first two bright-colored walls, putting up house numbers and starting to clean up the slate in preparation for sealing it. The refrigerator repairman came to try and fix the popping noise (it literally sounded like a popcorn popper, not a fridge) but with no luck. Keeping it rolled slightly out of position seems to stop it, but it would be nice to have it pushed in flush like it's supposed to be. We also had the water tested and it is indeed hard (correction level > 3.0, ours is 15), so we'll be getting a Kinetico non-electric filtering system. The only bad thing about the weekend was that the Miss Silvia Rancilio wouldn't pump the water through to make espresso. After conferring with Jay, I think it was a combination of a bent tube and not priming the machine after draining out the water while we were away. It's primed now but too late to make a latte tonight; my fingers are crossed for a good brew tomorrow.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2007 9:45 PM.

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