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Holy Mackerel!

Apparently I've gone into a born-again mode, what with my Hallelujah posting last time and now this.

Holy mackerel is an apt expression for the situation however, since I had just put last night's leftover fish on the stove to sear when I opened up the new Megnut at the Comparing Frozen Fish to Fresh feature. As you might guess from a careful reading, my leftovers were flash-frozen from Trader Joe's and better Tilapia filets I cannot imagine. Last night I pan-seared them and served them on a base of polenta, topped with wilted spinach, then the filets, and covered it all with a mango butter sauce. Today's lunch was just an extra quick pan-searing of the leftover fish, served along with some tomato slices. No mango butter sauce as it failed to survive a lazy effort at reheating it in the microwave.

I don't know what made me change my mind about buying Tilapia. I've been passing it up in the freezer at Trader Joe's, thinking that the original name was actually something else that didn't sound at all appetizing. When I googled it up, the unappetizing and scary named fish was Patagonian Toothfish, known in markets and on menus as the much pleasanter sounding Chilean Sea Bass. Tilapia turned out to be a well-respected, farm-raised fish available around the world, a kind of green alternative to over-fished wild species. Now just to be fair I guess I'll have to look for some fresh filets to compare, but meantime, I stand by my recommendation. Flash-frozen Tilapia tastes really good and, holy mackerel, you can even feel good about eating it.

In spite of Megnut and this post going 'foodie', heyjud will maintain its usual rambling self.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 19, 2006 6:53 PM.

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The next post in this blog is A New Style.

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