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February 2006 Archives

February 18, 2006

Going to the Country

When I drive to Springfield, which I've been doing pretty regularly of late to work on some computer lessons with my Mom, I start off with the radio tuned to our regular station,WXRV, the River at 92.5 FM. As I zoom down the Turnpike, the car is filled with new music from Jamie Cullum, Jack Johnson or maybe, Death Cab for Cutie, all befitting the classification of Independent Radio. Somewhere around Sturbridge though, the signal deteriorates to jumbled sounds and lots of static. Shortly, it picks up again and is perfectly clear. What's different is that 92.5 FM is no longer the River. Instead it's WWYZ, Country 92.5. Yesterday in my turnpike trance, I didn't notice the change over until I burst out laughing at the chorus of Danielle Peck's song - "The difference is Jesus loves you, I don't." It was a pleasant reminder of the unique and appealing directness of country lyrics, not to mention a great line to have on hand for the right occasion.

About February 2006

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in February 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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