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When things just go right it's such a pleasure. We decided not to eat out last night so coming up with supper meant turning to what was in the fridge. That happened to be two pieces of mahi mahi and two leftover roasted heirloom tomatoes. Along with a quick and great brown rice package from the freezer I knew that would make some sort of dinner if I could figure out how to keep the rice from being too dry. As the inventor of Google cooking, it's obvious what I did next. And if I do say so myself, it worked just perfectly. 'Mahi mahi tomatoes' entered into the Google search box returned this recipe as the very first result, even suggesting fish from Trader Joe's, which was my source as well. My roasted heirlooms substituted for sundried tomatoes, the baking pan juices made a nice sauce for the rice, and just like the author of the recipe says, 'the combo sounds weird but it's really very very good'.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2005 10:52 AM.

The previous post in this blog was After Sixty Five Years.

The next post in this blog is It's Charmin!.

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