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It's Great to be Back

After fifteen years away, we're happily back skiing at Mad River. Incredibly, nothing about it has changed; not the lifts, not the trails, and not the snow. Even after 25-inches of fresh powder by Sunday afternoon the typical Mad River rock or ice spots were showing up to challenge us. That's what we like about it though. That and running into wonderful old friends who led us on our Sunday morning warm-up run on old favorites, Quacky to Porky. The sun was shining, there were 10-inches of powder from the night before, the bumps were just right and we wondered why we'd ever missed the last fifteen years.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 16, 2005 12:18 PM.

The previous post in this blog was We Love You Patriots.

The next post in this blog is You should be too..

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