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Lots of workouts and lots of miles when it might have hardly seemed worth it, paid off for Meg in NYC this weekend. Though we didn't see much of her in the two days leading up to the race, we were able to see her twice during the marathon. Planted behind the police barriers at 87th Street, we caught our initial look at her coming up First Avenue. Then we headed across to Central Park to catch high fives as she approached Mile 24. And at the end we met the proud finisher under the "H" in the family reunion area.

coming up First Avenue high fives with the family a proud finish smile

Of course we weren't the only family watching their daughter run the marathon and this father put a lot more than just the marathon into perspective for me.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 9, 2004 10:20 AM.

The previous post in this blog was R.I.P. Bambino.

The next post in this blog is Running Crazy.

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