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Garden Update

Remember those baby eggplants that were just starting in my roofdeck garden? As they've been slowly growing bigger over the past weeks, I've anticipated all sorts of eggplant goodies, from basic grilled to baba ghanoush. But today, the eggplants went missing. Bare stems were all that was left where the black beauties had been. I was bereft, until I noticed new digging among the struggling California poppies. And there, buried at each end of the planter, were the missing eggplants. I have only sympathy for the stupid squirrel that mistook them for some giant nuts.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 16, 2004 1:48 PM.

The previous post in this blog was To the Decisive Moment.

The next post in this blog is Adventures in Crabbing.

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