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A Nantucket Weekend Ends

curvy glassware for folks who drink something other than beerkids' silhouettes and a shining Brant Point LightWhen the rain interrupted our afternoon walk, we took shelter in the bar at Cioppino's where the curvy glassware glamorized the view but didn't tempt us. We just drank some beer and watched the Red Sox lose. By boat time, the rain had stopped and the usual goodbyes were being waved by perfectly silhouetted kids in front of a shining Brant Point light. The Gray Lady fully earned her name gray deck and more rain to comesun returns as we come into Hyannis Harbor and as we left Nantucket Harbor it was still gray. The rain returned while I slept, but when I woke up everything was transformed. Not seeing the sun gradually break through the clouds made the golden sea and sky all the more spectacular as we entered Hyannis Harbor. I just wanted to turn around and go back again.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 2, 2004 6:11 PM.

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The next post in this blog is To the Decisive Moment.

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