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During my blogging drought, due in equal parts to a dried up muse and a burned out fan, at one point I actually cleaned off my whole desk. Underneath lots of throwaway stuff was a note pointing to a terrific site for online French lessons. Ironically it was written on a scrap of newspaper that I evidently saved for its Franklin Adams quote: "I find a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way". How well I remember jotting the site down and promising myself to practice regularly, if not daily. Now having been reminded again, I've done so only once. My resolve to visit Paris again next spring is strong but my savings account and French studies remain weak. Aha! I mean zut alors! I'll make that site the first page I see when I open up my browser. As for the savings necessary, feel free to send donations.
Great gifts indicate thoughtfulness. Take this watering pot. It's the perfect matchup of style and wit, not to mention being extremely useful. Same goes for the guests who brought it and entertained us every evening with style and wit, not to mention having dinner prepared each night when we got home from work. Come to think of it, the Gurns aren't really guests anymore, they're family and they can come anytime they want.
This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in February 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.
January 2004 is the previous archive.
March 2004 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.