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Yesterday's U-Turn Merely Driver Training

Again picture this, although unless you live here, I'm not sure you'll be able to. Approaching the red lights at the end of Chelsea Street, it was hard to fathom the view of a tractor trailer backing up towards the stopped traffic on Rutherford Avenue. Whether those drivers were actually stopped for a light or simply dumbstruck, was impossible to tell. As the eighteen-wheeler continued to back towards the traffic, we could see it was attached to a tow truck and not under its own power. Then, with no room left, the tow truck driver pulled forward to begin an expected left turn into Chelsea Street. Instead it was a truly amazing u-turn from outside lane to the opposite outside lane, with tow-truck, followed by tractor, followed by trailer, blocking the three lanes of oncoming traffic from Chelsea Street to go back in the opposite direction down Rutherford Avenue. Even for die-hard Boston drivers like us, this was hard to believe.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 7, 2003 9:02 AM.

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