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New Year's Resolutions

Six months later things are not going that well.

  • Wear less black. Should be easy but after trying a few colorful choices I invariably return to more, not less black.
  • Invest in the perfect red lipstick. Perfect is hard to find and I'm coming to realize I'm just not a red lipstick type.
  • Wear a hat. My unfortunately apt college nickname of 'pinhead' continues to plague me. I fear there's no hope of ever satisfying this goal.
  • Eat more salmon. Done.
  • Maintain the haircut. Also done but for a momentary pause when my stylist left for another salon.
  • Learn to sew. Piece of cake. I've been sewing since seventh grade home ec class. The problem is not learning but doing.
  • Spread the gospel on teeth whitening. Because this item was part of the Boston Globe article I clipped for my inspiration, I've included it. Fat chance, however since dollars for whiter teeth keep disappearing towards...
  • Get funky footwear. This is serious business, particularly when the challenge is raised to become bargain funky footwear. Research and purchases are ongoing with good success at AJ Wright and Filene's Basement.
  • Update glasses. Attempting to make this a goal for husband as well. Fortunately there's still time to satisfy it.
  • Broaden shopping horizons. New York City trip last month was inspirational. Article suggests Montreal. Must keep in mind new motto. Shop locally, shop globally.
  • Only 153 days to go.


    This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 31, 2003 10:10 AM.

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    The next post in this blog is Cadillac Woman .

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