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March Madness has enticed us

March Madness has enticed us into lots of eating in front of the tv screen, watching the hopefuls against the powerhouses, always rooting for the underdogs to pull off yet another upset and stay alive in the tournament. It has infected us with hoop fever and borne the idea for a Starbuck's promotional opportunity which we freely offer. All that's required is a small March Madness sign and tiny hoop ringing the waste bin in the center of the table of coffee paraphernalia on the way out the door. Peter's performance has been exceptional while I unfortunately have not lived up to my Bouve past. Makes me wonder what's happened to our old nerf basketball hoop and the taped on the rug three-point line we left behind when we moved from Brookline. If only I could have kept practicing.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 31, 2003 1:35 PM.

The previous post in this blog was With all the press recently.

The next post in this blog is Momnut is fulfilled. My training.

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