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Today was a day

Today was a day of flaneuring, a pastime to which I had not treated myself for quite awhile. The weather was perfect for walking, cool with a slight breeze, and the parameters for my journey were set by a couple of errands plus the requisite latte stop. With no time limits, my meanderings brought me from the waterfront to the Financial District, to the newly renamed Ladder District, to Chinatown and back through the North End. I paused to watch birds sleeping on a bobber line in the harbor and a cat sleeping in a window on the wharf (the nature segment of my walk). I followed tourists and carefully crossed streets between tour buses and duck boats (the exercise segment). I looked in the basement, considered the purchase of sauce dishes at a kitchen supply place in Chinatown and almost bagged a pair of lime green shoes, a very nice lime green, but made no purchases (the being sensible segment). When I spotted this police boat, the 'Probable Cause', from the ferry on the way home, I knew it was aptly named (the intellectual segment). What more could one ask of a day as a flaneur?

Meantime, maybe I should apply for a job working on the Filene's Basement web site. I wonder how long it's been 'coming soon'.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 25, 2002 8:08 PM.

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The next post in this blog is I pride myself on being.

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