It's a new year and time for a new look for heyjud. I'm working on it now and the result should be on your blogstand by Monday. Perhaps I'll even add that gallery of shoe pix I've been thinking about ever since I collected the shots in Paris.
« Now that we finally got | Main | Oops, lots of problems with »
It's a new year and time for a new look for heyjud. I'm working on it now and the result should be on your blogstand by Monday. Perhaps I'll even add that gallery of shoe pix I've been thinking about ever since I collected the shots in Paris.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 11, 2002 9:44 AM.
The previous post in this blog was Now that we finally got.
The next post in this blog is Oops, lots of problems with.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.