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No more mornings driving

View from Charlestown Bridge, over VW delivery van, to new Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge No more mornings driving Peter to work, at least for awhile. Closing of the City Square ramp to 93 has made a walk or T-ride more sensible than merging into traffic to cross the Charlestown Bridge. Even later when I walk across for coffee there's lots going on, for example, my favorite Passats being delivered to some lucky new owner somewhere. If you order a VW, at least in the Eastern half of the US, chances are good that your vehicle will come in to the Moran Terminal at the end of Chelsea Street in Charlestown. And if I see it on the delivery van when I'm crossing the bridge, hopefully I'll still be on foot, and not stuck behind it in traffic, cursing.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 22, 2001 1:44 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Before we head down to.

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