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Until this morning when traffic

Until this morning when traffic got the best of me, I've been heading down to Lewis Wharf, where there's this perfect spot for sitting, smelling the ocean and looking out. It's peaceful with the sailboats quietly moored and the docks empty. What I watch are the waves, and the way the early morning sun makes the water sparkle on their tops so they look like fireflies dancing. The bigger the waves are, the more sparkles they have, but they're never spread out across the water like later in the day when the sun is overhead. The morning sparkly waves just stay in their narrow path between the rising sun and me, coming in, touching the shore and heading back out in a continuous flow. I accept their greetings and start my day.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 24, 2001 9:19 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The big dig has begun.

The next post in this blog is Work continues on the Braintree.

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