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I'm celebrating the 4th of

I'm celebrating the 4th of July with a battle of my own - getting my Verizon DSL installed after more than two years of promises. My service ready date was actually yesterday, anytime after 6 pm, so I eagerly began Step 1 of the installation process about 6:20. There was no problem plugging in the line filters for each of our four phones, so it was on to Step 2, plugging in the DSL modem. The lights were flashing and my hopes were high but alas, while the link and power lights showed a steady green, the ready light continued to blink. There was no synchronization with the Verizon central office. A call to technical support revealed that my service had not been activated and I was assured it could happen at any moment. However, if the ready light was still unready in the morning I should call customer care. Nothing was mentioned about the holiday, so I figured who knows, perhaps Verizon cares for its customers 24 x 7 x 365 and I called. Apparently they don't care on the 4th and of course, I can't begrudge them their patriotic due. Oddly though, the phone message said nothing about the holiday, only that 'Our normal hours of operation are 8 am to 8 pm EST'. This was repeated twice and then I heard, 'I'm sorry, you have entered too many invalid selections', a click and I was disconnected. I hope that my choice of Verizon DSL does not turn out to be an invalid selection. Stay tuned for further exciting developments.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 4, 2001 3:50 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Sometimes it just feels so.

The next post in this blog is Turns out fireworks are.

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