« After a very long break | Main | Please bear with me. This »

Well not only do I

Well not only do I no longer have the Paris inspiration, I no longer have the Paris schedule and I haven't yet fit blogging into a regular time spot. That's not to say I'm not thinking about what I might post because lots of ideas pop into my head. It's just that I'm a bit erratic about actually composing them. So here's a bit of an older one from when we first got back.

Before we both started back to work, we walked over to the North End for coffee and realized how truly European that Boston neighborhood feels. Though there's not room on the sidewalk for cafe tables, Cafe Graffiti has the typical fully opening front windows plus the great coffee and clientele of other of our favorite cafes. And as we sat there, this great looking truck pulled up and double-parked right across the street. What I like about this picture of it is the way the bright red and green colors reflect on the car in the foreground.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 20, 2001 7:28 PM.

The previous post in this blog was After a very long break.

The next post in this blog is Please bear with me. This.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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