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Not purposeless but not so

Not purposeless but not so planned either, yesterday was an errand and wandering day. In the flaneur tradition, we went where things looked interesting, over on the Right Bank from the Marais up to the Place de Marche St. Honore. We accomplished our errands and stopped in at a number of trendy shops, including Colette where the basement bar specialized in bottled water, with brands available from all over the world. More to our liking was the wine bar, Le Rubis, where we stood at the zinc bar and raised a glass of Morgon (no Chiroubles on the board) to toast Jay and Marcia. The day ended with a stroll back through the Tuileries, pausing for a long time to watch the boatman and kids with long sticks, chasing their boats around the fountain to push them into another sail across to the other side. And all the time we were thinking of the little Meg and Mike who would have loved that so much years ago.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 26, 2001 4:40 AM.

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The next post in this blog is A mere two block walk.

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