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October 2015 Archives

October 14, 2015

Obey Decay

So it's been awhile but I've been thinking about getting back to blogging for some time now. Just lately though, there have been more small moments to share so here goes.

I often walk around the Union Square area, particularly when my car is in the shop at Mike's Auto. I time it so I can drop off the car, walk over to Atelier Pilates for class, stop for coffee at Bloc 11 and then pick up the car. Oh, and there's usually time and the need for a Market Basket stop, which brings me my right past this graffitied building on my way back to the garage.

Some time ago, I think maybe around the time there was an Obey exhibition at the ICA, a number of buildings around Boston and Cambridge were papered with the work of Shepard Fairey. I don't know how many of them are still around, but this one is, and I like it all the better for its worn and weathered look. Some spots have been tagged on top, adding another layer to the raw feel of the art work. It all contributes to what I call Obey decay.





About October 2015

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in October 2015. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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April 2018 is the next archive.

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