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November 2013 Archives

November 1, 2013

Montreal Visit


In lieu of Paris, we'll always have Montreal - the site of a terrific visit this past month with Trudy. Our loft rental was spectacular, with everything I would want in a place of my own except for missing a spatula. Though the eggs were hard to get out of the pan, given the chance, I would happily move right in. We spent our days flaneuring, so there was shopping, museum and church visits, wonderful lunches, and one late afternoon we had drinks at the Ritz bar to reminisce about Trudy and Bob's honeymoon, spent there 52 years ago. Because it was the World Series and because the Red Sox were playing and because the loft had a giant TV, we ate in two of the nights to watch the game. The third night with no Sox on, we opted for the traditional French restaurant, L'Express, which was a lot like eating at our Paris favorite, Brasserie Balzar. I'm really glad we visited, because now I know just where to go when I need a quick Paris fix.

About November 2013

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in November 2013. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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