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January 2013 Archives

January 12, 2013

Christmas in Vermont

This year we spent two whole weeks in Vermont, with the proper winter ski vacation weather, finally. Last year was a bit of a bust, but this year there was some snow nearly every day, and significant snow at the beginning of our stay when we most needed it. On the other side of the mountain, the snow wasn't as heavy as on our side, so we rode in a horse-drawn wagon to get our tree instead of the usual horse-drawn sled. The bumpy ride felt pretty much the same though.

On Christmas Eve, Marcia and family came over to get the holiday celebration started with early presents and a raclette dinner. We all missed not having Mike and Leesee join us this year, but we're hoping for some vacation time together on Nantucket instead. Then on Christmas day we opened stockings, had our usual baked French toast breakfast, unwrapped the rest of our presents and headed outside for snow angels and sledding. The sun was amazingly warm up close to the house where we ended the afternoon with hot chocolate made on Meg's new camp stove.

After that, it was all skiing every day. Check out the sledding and skiing videos.

About January 2013

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in January 2013. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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April 2013 is the next archive.

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